The Empress Quest : Full Moons Saga
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- December 05, 2024 by Shiritoru#game art, #watercolor, #background, #fairy tale, #cute, #cozyA couple of words about backgrounds: It was a massive piece of work, as each background was painted with watercolours on paper. There're more than 40 backgrounds in total, and almost all of them has a... Continue reading
- December 03, 2024 by Shiritoru#point and click, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #cozy, #squirrel, #game artTamias is a ghost squirrel and the one of the originally invented characters. He is haunting the remote corner of the backyard (just under the huge oak, near the bird bath). His name came from "Tamias... Continue reading
- November 26, 2024 by Shiritoru#Gameart, #Wolf, #Fairytale, #Cozy, #Adventure game, #Point and clickWolf Cub is my tester's favorite character. So that's why he's here today. Just take a look how adorable he is... Continue reading
- November 21, 2024 by Shiritoru#Fairytale, #Adventure, #Point and click, #Raven, #Scarecrow, #CozyThe Garden is one of the key locations in the game, and also I really wanted to have a scarecrow character, so this is how Carl appeared. It was naturally to give him a companion, and Clara The Raven... Continue reading
- November 19, 2024 by Shiritoru#Cozy, #Fairytale, #Point and click, #Adventure, #Game art, #Talking fishGeneral Branchiata. I enjoyed writing all the lines for him so much. I made him very arrogant and with the hint of delusions of grandeur. He lives in a fancy aquarium and, no less, leads an entire arm... Continue reading
- November 18, 2024 by Shiritoru#Dog, #adventure game, #game art, #fairy tale, #point and click, #cozyI decided that the main character in my adventure game will be the senior Scottie dog, as I have lived with Scottish Terriers for many years and I absolutely adore them. Kobi is cute, but a bit grumpy... Continue reading
- November 12, 2024 by Shiritoru#fairy tale, #dog, #cozy game, #cute, #releaseI can't believe I got to this point after 3+ years of the development. I am happy and stressed at the same time. I am very proud. I even cried a little, and I am totally not ashamed about that. "The E... Continue reading
- November 18, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #watercolor, #fairy tale, #fantasy, #adventure game, #pig, #point and clickThis week was all busy with the creating and adjusting water locations. Quite monotonous work. So here's a Branchiata poster instead. :)... Continue reading
- October 14, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #pig, #beach, #point and click, #fairy tail, #fantasy, #adventure game, #watercolorVacation mode on! This week I am getting ready to go to a long awaiting vacation, so I was working three times more vigorously than usual. :) Loads of backgrounds added, some animations and bug fixes... Continue reading
- October 07, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #watercolor, #point and click, #pig, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #fantasyThis week was a week of massive dialogs adding. I totally love it, is shapes a story and I feel it started to have it's own vibes... Continue reading
- September 30, 2022 by Shiritoru#Scottigh terrier, #dog, #adventure game, #point and click, #game art, #fantasyNothing major this week, added some features and improvements... Continue reading
- September 23, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #fantasy, #point and click, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #pigI wish there were more than 24 hours in a day. :) Finished a huge cut-scene, the completion of which I dragged on for a very long time... Continue reading
- September 16, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #fairy tale, #adventure game, #game art, #fantasy, #point and clickFruitful, although a little bit hectic work progress this week. Lots of small things are fixed, added, couple of animations etc. Overall I'm satisfied with the progress... Continue reading
- September 09, 2022 by Shiritoru#adventure game, #fairy tale, #dog, #browny, #piglet, #fantasy, #game art, #point and clickHello everyone and please take a look at this cutie. :) One of the protagonist's foe - Browny, uninvited guest. I mostly working on backgrounds this week. Not as productive as I want to be, but it's m... Continue reading
- September 02, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #fantasy, #fairy tale, #full moon, #pig, #adventure game, #point and click, #cute, #hand drawn, #watercolorThis week was dedicated to the art mostly. However, besides that I had some time for coding as well, as like as for the remake the whole story map. Whew... Continue reading
- August 26, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #cute, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #game art, #point and click, #watercolor, #fantasyThe most tedious part of gamedev for me (as for many more of us) is the promotion part. :) It's very exhausting and devouring up much more time than I would like to spend on it. However, work is movin... Continue reading
- August 23, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #fantasy, #watercolor, #fairy, #point and click, #pig, #hand drawnDemo update! ( Changes: Now it's easier to find Branchiata. You can't have a lighter twice. More frequent random/idle animations. More smooth storytelling process. Minor bugs fix. No changes:... Continue reading
- August 19, 2022 by Shiritoru#adventure game, #point and click, #dog, #fantasy, #fairy tale, #game art, #frog, #watercolorHello everyone and happy Friday. This week I added two more scenes and continue questioning my NPC's sketches. :) I got a brand new letsplay, and you can check it out here: And here is a leapy frog an... Continue reading
- August 12, 2022 by Shiritoru#adventure game, #dog, #point and click, #watercolor, #fantasy, #hand painted, #fairy taleIt rying to keep my work in a slow pace this week. Basically, I spent all the time in the studio and draw sketches and staff. So no major achievements for now, just a fragment of the new background... Continue reading
- August 05, 2022 by Shiritoru1#adventure game, #empress quest, #full moon, #fantasy, #fairy tale, #dogOk, another week, another bunch of work done. :) My main goal now is the backgrounds. Looots of backgrounds. The overall layout of the scenes is different from what I'm used to, so it's a challenge. :... Continue reading
- July 29, 2022 by Shiritoru1#adventure game, #point and click, #fantasy, #dog, #leviathan, #fairy tale, #hand drawn, #watercolorMainly worked on NPC's this week. Made some scenes drafts. I need a break badly... Continue reading
- July 22, 2022 by Shiritoru#pixelart, #adventure game, #dog, #fairy tale, #fantasy, #point and clickOh, I'm finally burned myself out. As I realized recently, I have a hard time to concentrate on tasks and overall work progress slowed down. So I think I need some rest. Vacation maybe? :) In the mean... Continue reading
- July 15, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #fox, #sketch, #game art, #adventure game, #point and click, #cute, #fairy tale, #fantasyIt's Friday, everyone! So, I continue to work on the graphical components of the game. Created a ton of NPCs this week and also started designing the game page on other distributors' websites. (This p... Continue reading
- July 08, 2022 by Shiritoru#point and click, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #dog, #cute, #hand drawnSome new NPC's sketches and one more background are ready. But, more important - the storyline is now complete! I make sure that all the quests and puzzles will go seamlessly and more (or less!) logic... Continue reading
- July 01, 2022 by Shiritoru#point and click, #adventure game, #cute, #fairy tale, #dog, #pigThis week besides new backgrounds I finally polished the puzzle . My unpaid involutary tester (aka household member) complained that the puzzle is "too hard to understand". Come on, it's point-and-cli... Continue reading
- June 24, 2022 by Shiritoru#Adventure game, #Point and click, #Game art, #Game design, #Hand paintedEventful and busy week for me and for the game. For now I want to show you the two different phases of the development process. :) How's yours looks like?... Continue reading
- June 17, 2022 by Shiritoru#adventuregame, #pointandclick, #cute, #bat, #npcLife goes on after the demo and the project goes forward too. At the moment, in addition to working on new characters and backgrounds, I'm busy creating a trailer for the game. Now look at those cute... Continue reading
- June 16, 2022 by Shiritoru#adventure game, #point and click, #dog, #cute, #fairy tale, #piglet, #watercolor, #hand drawn, #demoHi there, just quick update - Version 0.0.56 Added hints for the players unfamiliar with the adventure games... Continue reading
- June 14, 2022 by Shiritoru#linux, #adventure game, #point and click, #demo, #dog, #pig, #fairy tale, #cute, #hand drawn, #watercolorHello everyone, just a quick update for all Linux admirers - after several requests I made a Linux demo build! Just to let you know that as a solo dev I have no resources for Linux testing, so please,... Continue reading
- June 11, 2022 by Shiritoru1#adventure game, #point and click, #fairy tale, #dog, #pig, #cute, #hand painted, #demoDemo is available and I'm happy. I like how it turned out and I hope you will like it too. Download, play, share with friends!... Continue reading
- June 10, 2022 by Shiritoru#dogs, #point and click, #adventure game, #cute, #fairy tale, #pigletWhat can I say? I'm thrilled. And a little bit scared. :) Hopefully it'll go smoothly tomorrow... Continue reading
- June 08, 2022 by Shiritoru#adventure game, #point and click, #debug, #demo release, #cute, #jack russel, #dog, #scottish terrier, #fairy taleOk, three (!!!) days before demo. Yay. And of course (of course!) I caught a bunch of bugs and my afternoon was devoted to fixing them. Several people independently tested the game, but of course the... Continue reading
- June 06, 2022 by Shiritoru#adventure game, #point and click, #mice, #fairy tale, #dog, #cute5 days before demo!... Continue reading
- June 05, 2022 by Shiritoru#browny, #point and click, #adventure game, #dog, #cute, #fairy taleContinue reading
- June 04, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #pig, #cute, #fairytale, #adventure game, #point and click7 days before demo release!... Continue reading
- June 03, 2022 by Shiritoru1#cute, #quirky, #scottish terrier, #dog, #fairy tale, #adventure game, #point and click, #hand paintedWhat can I say? Demo is coming 11t of June and it's so soon! I'm excited. Happy weekend everyone. :)... Continue reading
- May 13, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #cute, #watercolorHello everyone. We have typical Irish April weather. Rain and sun at the same time. In this regard, I have a complete feeling that I will not be able get enough sleep until the end of time. :) But nev... Continue reading
- May 12, 2022 by Shiritoru#dogs, #cute, #fish, #squirrel, #fairy tale, #browny, #watercolorJust added few screenshots, main update will be tomorrow. :)... Continue reading
- April 29, 2022 by Shiritoru#alpha version, #dog, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #watercolorSooooo the big, big news! Since after the update of the Visioner platform I can now make builds for MacOS, yesterday I quite spontaneously decieded to put my very (I mean it!) very raw version of the... Continue reading
- April 22, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #squirrel, #adventure game, #fairy tale, #hand painted, #watercolor, #weekly updateWell, this working week was only 4 days long (and this means that you don’t want to work on any of the four days), but my progress wasn't that bad after all. :) First, and more important - I paint a... Continue reading
- April 15, 2022 by Shiritoru#weekly update, #adventure game, #game art, #hand drawn, #watercolor, #dogI finally made an announcement on social media about my game's page. :) However, it is still not in the index and I have not received a response from technical support too. But there is as it... Continue reading
- April 08, 2022 by Shiritoru#dog, #fairy tale, #weekly update, #adventureSo, despite my daunting visit to the dentist today (let's face it, no one can call it a pleasant pastime), despite that anastetic is still working on me, and despite the fact that I'm still invisible... Continue reading
- April 01, 2022 by Shiritoru#weekly update, #dog, #fairy tale, #adventureHello everyone. I wonder if any of you can read my posts, as I still can't see my game in the game index. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. So, despite of huge headache I'm having today (the we... Continue reading
- March 29, 2022 by Shiritoru#first post, #creation story, #dog, #pig, #adventure game, #fairy taleOh how I love good stories! I have always been fascinated by fairy tales. In my parents' house there were huge collections of fairy tales books from all over the world. Among my favorite games were an... Continue reading